Adult & Kid’s Triathlon Packet Pick-Up

Friday, July 11th at Big Shark (Big Bend location) from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 1155 South Big Bend Blvd., Richmond Heights, MO 63117

Saturday, July 12th Kid’s Triathlon packets and timing chips will be distributed from 6:00 AM to 8:15.  The EXPO will be open from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for Adult Triathlon Packet Pick Up. On Saturday and Sunday- the amphitheater is at the intersection of Rue Royale and New Town Lake Drive or Galt House Drive. For GPS coordinates use the nearby business- Marsala’s Market- 3308 Rue Royale, St. Charles MO 63301

Sunday, July 13th RACE DAY from 5:00 am to 6:30 am- at the same location as Saturday PPU

Please note Packet Pickup times. This event is very popular. We strongly recommend giving yourselves plenty of time to pick-up your packet and enjoy all the cool stuff New Town has to offer.

New Town Packet Pick up is located under the Big Tent at the Amphitheater in New Town. Directly across from Marsala’s Market at the corner of Rue Royal and Galt House Drive.

The New Town Triathlon is professionally CHIP TIMED by Big River Race Management and your CHIPS for all triathlons will be distributed with your packet. Please return your CHIP directly after the race.